Woodridge Planters
Help Us Plant Trees!
Send an email to and we'll invite you to the next family planting.
The park and surrounding bush at the bottom of Kentwood Drive is becoming a flourishing urban forest that is home for birds, leisure and inspiration for people, and encourages more people to get involved in protecting the environment. In 2009 we gained our first pair of permanent resident Tuis and in 2011 we have several nesting pairs.
We are approaching 6000 trees planted in Kentwood Drive Reserve (aka Woodridge Forest) and surrounding areas and the trees we planted from 2006 and onwards have now formed large areas of maturing bush.
We have also planted a number of heritage forest trees throughout the area. As they push through the canopy over 20 to 30 years, our bush becomes a forest of Totara, Rata, Hinau, Rimu, Kahikatea, Rewa Rewa and many others.
This is how we are doing it: Woodridge Forest Plan
All shapes, sizes and ages are needed - everybody can help in some way! We need people to dig holes, fill them in, spread compost & mulch, water trees and remove weeds. We also need help to gather and spread seeds, plant seeds and seedlings, grow seedlings and provide food for hungry workers.
Donations are also gratefully accepted.
Are you an organiser?
We also need people who are able to organise both people and tasks - printing and delivering fliers, updating our web site or calling people to let them know about the next planting. There are dozens of ways you can help develop your local forest and every tiny contribution makes a difference.
In return you will:
- Make a positive impact on our environment
- Experience and contribute to the great community that's hidden in Woodridge
- Spend quality time with your kids (and help them learn a great work ethic)
- Get good exercise Around 50 people helped with last year's planting.
This year we plan to have small, regular plantings as well as a community planting day, and even more people. What to bring: hardy shoes and clothes, gloves, wheelbarrows, spades and shovels, yourself and your family.
Join us on Facebook or send an email to and we'll invite you to the next family planting.
Don't forget to tell your friends and neighbours!