Trees We Plant

Some of trees we plant include:

?Lemonwood - tarata

Lemonwood (Tarata)
Pittosporum eugenioides

Myoporum laetum

Leptospermum scoparium

Broadleaf (Puka)
Griselinia littoralis

NZ Flax (Harakeke)
Phormium tenax

Podocarpus totara

Five Finger
Pseudopanax arboreus
Coprosma Robusta (Karamu)
Golden akeake (Akiraho)
Olearia paniculata
Hedycarya aborea

Myrsine australis

Wineberry (Makomako)
Aristolia serrata

Hebe stricta

Cabbage Tree (Ti Kouka)
Cordyline australis

These trees have the following properties:

Plant Sun Wind Size Growth Use Lifespan Comments
Wineberry (Makomako), Aristolia serrata (semi shade) Med-Hardy 6m Medium Nursery/shelter Medium
Coprosma robusta (Karamu) (sun or shade) Hardy 4m Fast Nursery/rapid shelter Short
Cabbage trees (Ti Kouka), Cordyline australis (sun or shade) Hardy 5-10m x 1m Medium Ornament Medium Must be staked if exposed to wind
Griselinia litttoralis (sun or shade) Hardy 4m x 1.5m Fast Nursery/shelter Medium
Hebe (sun or shade) Hardy 1m x 1m Medium Ornament Short Put around the edges?
Pigeonwood, Hedycarya aborea (shade) Delicate 5-10m x 4m Slow Forest Long Plant in center and protect very well
Manuka, Leptospermum scoparium (sun) Hardy 4m Medium-Fast Nursery/shelter Short-medium
Ngaio, Myoporum laetum (sun or shade) Hardy 6m x 3m Fast Shelter/specimen Medium-Long Poisonous
Mapou/matipo, Myrsine australis (semi shade) Hardy 3-6m Medium Forest Medium-Long
Akiraho, Olearia paniculata (sun or shade) Hardy 3-5m Fast (early) Nursery/rapid shelter Medium Great shelter plant, tolerates dry soil - must have good drainage
NZ Flax (Harakeke), Phormium tenax ?(sun) Hardy 2.5m x 1.5m Fast Nursery/shelter Medium Good for underplanting
Lemonwood (tarata), Pittosporum eugenioides (sun or partial shade) Medium 6-10m Medium Specimen Medium Needs good shelter to get started
Totara, Podocarpus totara (sun or partial shade) Medium 10-30m Slow Forest Long Plant in center and protect very well
Fivefinger, Pseudopanax arboreus ?(shade) Delicate 3-5m x 1-2m Medium Bush/Forest Medium Needs well drained soil

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